Spray Tans in Brooklet, GA by Holly Owner
Hey everyone! My name is Holly and I am originally from Southern California. I moved to GA almost 8 years ago and I am now married with 3 children and live in Brooklet, GA. I am a Registered Dental Hygienist, but I currently, work as a stay-at-home mom. I am an extreme extrovert and love talking to and meeting new people – which is one of the many reasons I know I’ll enjoy spray tanning clients so much! I was introduced to BeetTan by one of my dearest friends who mentioned the idea of opening up a business from home because she knew how badly I wanted to go back to work but also needed to stay home so I could make sure my little ones were taken care of while my husband was at work. Trust me when I say that it only took her telling me ONE time about it and I was swiping my credit card and ready to start my business. If you’re anything like me and can’t stand being pale, especially in the winter, or you’re pregnant but refuse to get a spray tan because you don’t want to turn orange or do anything that could harm your baby….. then BeetTan is the way to go! There’s no weird smell, no orange undertone, and no breakouts from chemicals! That to me is EVERYTHING!