Meet the Owner, Cara

My Beettan Story:
you glow girl
Organic Studio & Mobile Spray Tans
I’m here, get naked.
Using state-of-the-art equipment and BEETTAN tanning solution will leave you with a natural looking, beautiful, streak-free, and orange-free tan! BEETTAN is a universal solution which is plant based, made from beets. The sugar from the beets reacts with your skin to tan it the color your skin would naturally tan. It takes the top 10-12 layers of your skin and activates your natural color. Each customer gets sprayed with the same color, but their results are all different because everyone naturally would tan differently.
So say goodbye to the suns harmful rays, multiple color confusing shades, staining, barrier creams, ORANGE and streaking results and say HELLO to BEETTAN!

Why Beettan Sunless Products, you ask? Good question!! At Beettan, we choose to source the finest naturally derived ingredients to create products you can be confident are highest quality, brought to you at peak freshness + a better value than you can find anywhere else!
We are a naturally derived company because we care about your healthiness and want your natural beauty to shine. We also care very deeply about this planet and keeping it clean and resilient for all future generations to enjoy.
Ready. Set. Glow!
Receive FREE shipping on all Beettan sunless tanning products with discount code:
BEETTAN’s organic self-tanning lotion is designed to provide hydration, skin nutrition, and gradual color to achieve a natural tan for all skin types. AND is safe to use on your face!
BEETTAN Self-Tanner is designed with you in mind. No smearing, streaking, smudging. Just an amazing tropical scent.
Don’t Take Our Word For it! Here’s What Our Customers Think:

Beettan gives you an oppurtunity to be your own BOSS and make a killing doing it!
Make Women Feel Beautiful While Making Money!
BEETTAN is an natural sunless tanning company that was established by Michelle Peth in 2014. Michelle’s younger sister, a redhead with fair and sensitive skin, had experienced some scary skin cancer issues at a young age, leading to Michelle’s mission. To acquire flawless, sun-kissed color, AND prevent permanent sun damage and premature aging—all through a natural process.
She enlisted expert help and after countless tests and trials, she formulated a unique, natural solution and SUNLESS solution which looks, feels, and even smells pleasant on the skin.
After years of running a successful business, Michelle decided to share her knowledge with other women, bringing BEETTAN Certification Program into reality.
If you let this offer pass you by, you can guarantee one thing: nothing will change. At least, not for awhile. But, grab BEETTAN BOSS Babe right now, and you’ll be on your way to finally live the lifestyle you want.
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